Moein Khazraee

I am a Senior Architect at Nvidia. Before NVIDIA, I was a postdoc at MIT working with Manya Ghobadi. I continue to maintain my previous academic projects, and also collaborate with research institudes and universities on top of those works.

I received my PhD from UC San Diego in Spring 2020. My advisor was Aaron Schulman. I also worked with Michael Taylor during first half of my Ph.D. My dissertation topic is "Reducing the development cost of customized hardware acceleration for cloud infrastructure".

Contact me if you are interested to build networking solutions on top of FPGAs for testing your novel ideas, as well as building on top of low cost wide range SDRs. I also do side embedded projects, like making an automatic piano tuner, which is fun!

Research interests: Systems and Networking, Computer Architecture, and Software Defined Radios

You can download my Curriculum Vitae from here.

Recent Publications (Show All)

Publications (Show Recent)

Rosebud: Making FPGA-accelerated Middlebox Development More Pleasant
M. Khazraee, A. Forencich, G. Papen, A. Snoeren, A. Schulman
ASPLOS 2023 (International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems)
Open-Source code
Recorded short talk
TOPOOPT: Optimizing the Network Topology for Distributed DNN Training
W. Wang, M. Khazraee, Z. Zhong., Z. Jia, D. Mudigere, Y. Zhang, A. Kewitsch, M. Ghobadi
NSDI 2023 (USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation)
Towards Low-Cost, Ubiquitous High-Time Resolution Sensing for Terrestrial Spectrum
Y. Guddeti, R. Subbaraman, M. Khazraee, A. Schulman, D. Bharadia
ACM GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, 2020
Asic clouds: Specializing the datacenter for planet-scale applications
M. B. Taylor, L. Vega, M. Khazraee, I. Magaki, S. Davidson, D. Richmond
Communications of the ACM, 2020
SparSDR: Sparsity-proportional Wideband SDRs
M. Khazraee, Y. Guddeti, S.Crow, A. Snoeren, K. Levchenko, D. Bharadia, A. Schulman
Mobisys 2019 (ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services)
Open-Source code
SweepSense: Sensing 5 GHz in 5 Milliseconds with Low-cost SDRs
Y. Guddeti, R. Subbaraman, M. Khazraee, A. Schulman, D. Bharadia
NSDI 2019 (USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation)
Open-Source code
Extreme Datacenter Specialization for Planet-Scale Computing: ASIC Clouds
S. Xie, S. Davidson, I. Magaki, M. Khazraee, L. Vega, L. Zhang, M. B. Taylor
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Special Topics, 2018
Specializing a planet's computation: ASIC Clouds
M. Khazraee, L. V Gutierrez, I. Magaki, M. B. Taylor
IEEE Micro top picks, 2017
Moonwalk: NRE optimization in ASIC Clouds, or, accelerators will use old silicon
M. Khazraee, L. Zhang, L. V Gutierrez, M. B. Taylor
ASPLOS 2017 (International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems)
Recorded talk
ASIC clouds: specializing the datacenter
I. Magaki, M. Khazraee, L. V Gutierrez, M. B. Taylor
ISCA 2016 (International Symposium on Computer Architecture)
Promises and Perils in 3D Architecture
M. Khazraee
UC San Diego 2016 (Survey paper)
A novel hardware implementation for joint heart rate, respiration rate, and gait analysis applied to Body Area Networks
M. Khazraee, A. R. Zamani, M. Hallajian, S. P. Ehsani, H. A. Moghaddam, A. Parsafar, M. Shabany
ISCAS 2013 (IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems)
An Open-Source High Speed C++/MEX Framework for the Detection and Delineation of Long Duration Ambulatory Holter ECG Events: HSEDF
M. R. Homaeinezhad, M. Khazraee, M. Khazraee
International Journal of Information Engineering, 2012


University of California, San Diego
Ph.D. Computer Engineering
Specialization: Computer Systems and Networking
2013 - 2020
Rady School of Management
Technology Management and Entrepreneurism Fellowship Program
2017 - 2018
University of California, San Diego
M.Sc. Computer Science
Specialization: Computer Architecture
2013 - 2016
Sharif University of Technology
B.S. Electrical Engineering
2008 - 2013

Work Experience

Senior Architect
MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab
Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of California, San Diego
Research Assistant
Software Engineer Intern
Summer 2017
University of California, San Diego
Graduate Computer Architecture Teaching Assistant
Fall 2014
Sharif University of Technology
Revised syllabus and instructor for Verilog course
Member of design group for Embedded Systems Laboratory
Revised Structure of Computer and Microprocessors Lab
2011 - 2013
Allame Helli 5 (NODET) Junior High School
Computer Algorithms and Web Design Teacher
2012 - 2013

Skit videos(Show)

Skit videos(Hide)

Video clips my colleagues and I made during graduate school!

The Fellowship of the Thesis

Doctor Who: Choosing your path